Smart Lens

Smart lens: Every time we look near or far, the lens attached changes shape and focuses on the distance viewed, thanks to its flexibility. Thus, both distance and near vision are treated.

Every person has a natural lens in the eye. This lens is transparent and elastic. For many reasons, this lens begins to lose its function over time.

The natural lens first loses its flexibility and becomes unable to change shape and focus when looking up close. At later ages, it loses its transparency and cataracts form.

Why is it preferred?

On average, after the age of 40, our own eye lenses, which lose their flexibility, can be replaced with a new one. An artificial lens called Smart Lens is placed instead of the natural lens that loses its properties and becomes deformed. This new lens now has the ability to focus both far, intermediate and near, and can also be used in the treatment of patients with refractive errors. In the patient who is fitted with a Smart Lens (Intraocular Lens), the eye number does not progress again. Cataract surgery is performed once and no cataracts form in the eye again.

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